Wednesday, September 29, 2010


For both picture of mine I made the kadliescope then changes the brightness and contrast to make them look really bold. I think it is quite amaxing haw a simple picture with my finger in the lense could turn into such an amazing piece of art.

Tools Review

For  the tools review project I used all different types of tools. I used the layer mask tool a lot to hide objects behind the pillow. I then used the quick mask to color the pillow. To get the ticket,mouse, and mask out of their picture i used the quick selection tool, magic wand, and magnetic lasso tool.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I took all of these pictures in adn around my house. My cat Hemi is in one fo them.
This was my pop art project. The tools I learned and used were the burn and dodge tools. I also learned hwo to use the channel mixer and threshold options. I used these to make the colors contrast. Then I used all different colors to color in the bottle and box behind it.
Pop art is when you give pictures bold colors or bendai dots. I chose these three images because the dog one is funny and the other two just look cool. I could replicate some of these images in my artwork by adding stand out colors to my images.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Change my look

This is a picture of myself that I changed. I gave myslef samarai swords, a money cahin, blonde hair, and bluer eyes. I picked a serene waterfall as my backround. I uses the cloning tool for the necklace and the change hair and eye color techniques to change my hair and eye color.

Change my partners look

I changed the Leah in this picture. I gave her redish hair when she is usually a blonde. I also added a purse and used the masking tool to make it look like shes holding it. I also gave her a 100,000 dollar necklace.

Change a celeb

Megan Fox was the celebrity I chose to change. I gave her red hair and red eyes. I used the change hair and eye color tools. Personally I don't think she looks too bad.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The masking project

This is the masking project!! This was my favorite project so far!! I took a purple midnight shy, used a nice serene landscape adn summed it up with a lush midd-autumn tree. I decided to throw in a flying unicorn, the baat singal, and of course Usain Bolt. I have the unicorn answering the bat signal. The tools i used for this project was the masking tool. It came into effect for all of my different images.

Magic Wand

This was the magic wand project. I mainly used the magic wand tool to take the orange sahpes from the left and put them on the right side. Then i resized and rearranged them to make this robot with hair. The tranform tool came vary handy also.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Crazy Combos

I made this creation for a project called crazy combos. The name pretty much describes it. I took different parts of animals and put them together. Then I used the blur tool to  make it look like it belongs there. I used the clone tool for the second mouth of the alligator. I chose the background because its a mixture of the environments of my animals.

All About Me

This project was called all about me. I changed my backround to a nice deep sea blue. I like sports. That is why my poster was mainly about sports. I used the the quick selection tool to bring pictures onto my poster. I also used  the text option to state my name.Over all im happy with my all about me project.

Thursday, September 2, 2010