Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sharpened images

To get all of these up close images I used the macro setting on my camera. I sharpened these images using that Filer-High pass option.

Camer RAW

Camera RAW is used by opening an image in the camera Raw format that adjusting the sliders to fit your preference. Camera RAW is great for optimizing images quickly and easily. The things I did in camera Raw were fix the exposure abd fill light, blacks and recovery sliders, white balance, clarity, and I added a vignette.


This picture was made for my digital imaging mid-term. We took the two images of the guys walking and refined their dge then put them in the street backround. Next I made shadows for both of them. After that I used a layer mask to get the fire hydrant image onto my street, and gave it a shadow also. Finally I cloned out the date of the picture and added a homeless man for extra credit points.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Scary picture

I used the make an image look evil tutorial it was terribly hard to follow. I also tried to use the freakish zombie tutorial but that didnt work either. I used the burn tool and liquidfy tool they really made this picture pop. I was almost completely lost without my excellent teacher Ms. Lewis explaining the tutorial to me.

Carters moantain

These pictures I all took at our nearby apple orchard Carters Moantain. I color corrected two of them using a highly advacned process. I made one of them sepia and one black and white with a splash of color. I had to add text also.I added text using another very complex process. A little too complex to go into detail right now so I wont.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Magical pun

I made a digitial imaging pun. The mind seti had goin into this project was to go for gold. That is what I did. I used different images that have to do with magic such as a cape,hat,and wand. I had to use some layer masks to make in look like the wand went through the cape. I also had to use a layer mask so that the marker could go up through the neckhole of the cape. I then chose this great backround to put in on.

Rule of Thirds - My pictures

I took all of these pictures for the rule of thirds project. They were all taken in and around my house. I worked very hard on adjusting the picture,backround, and myself to fit the picture. I like all of the pictures I chose.