Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Winter break

Over the winter break I celebrated Christmas. So to document Christmas I took pictures of our Christmas tree and some of the ornaments on it. Since the Christmas tree is one of the most cherished parts of Christmas I took pictures of it.

Painting with light

I took these pictures in my basement using a hi-tech camera. To "paint with light" I had to used a tri-pod and a slow shutter speed so it capture the whole path. This project was fun-tastic, and as you can see I used my phone as light. LOL!!!

Vintage photo

This is a recent picture that I took of my driveway that I made look vintage. I used a sweet tutorial to make it look vintage. It involved making it a mixture of red and blue causing a nice green tint. I then proceeded to make it into a polaroid photo and tack it to a bulletin board.


This was my claymation project that me and my classmate Hunter made. It was about a rockclimber and an artist who paints a hole in the moantain so the climber falls through. It was terribly difficult to do, and easily the hardest and most aggravating thing that I had done in a while.

Picture worth 1000 words

I made this picture entirely out of words. Some of the words I used are: Nate, Deezy, Nathaniel, Nate Fox, and basketball.

What im thankful for

I am thankful for both basketball and my dog. I enjoy balling out very much thats why I chose basketball, and my dog is just too cute not to like. I really tried to capture my thankfulness my taking pictures of both of the things im thankful for.

Fill the frame

This project was called "fill the frame." You take pictures to fill the frame by taking close up images. I took pictures of flowers for this project.